Announcing Our New Lighting and LED Product Education Center

May 31, 2019 | 0 comments |

Education Leads to Savings

In an effort to provide our clients and the public with the most up-to-date product information. We have created an online Lighting and LED Product Education Center. This interactive education center offers an in-depth look at different lighting applications. Commercial building owners, on average, will spend 22% of their operational costs on power and water. According to the EPA, 35% of a building’s energy costs go towards lighting. If your building is operating old or outdated lighting applications. This percentage could be much higher. With non-LED lighting applications, you have the added operational costs of higher energy consumption, lighting maintenance costs, and lighting performance concerns. Improving your commercial buildings’ lighting efficiency by replacing lighting with energy-saving LEDs and integrating it with building automation systems can significantly reduce this number. When considering a Lighting Service Provider or an  LED Retrofit. Knowing the common concerns, and potential cost savings for your organization’s lighting applications is key to making an informed decision. This is the main reason we designed our Lighting and LED Product Education Center. To give you the cold hard facts surrounding commercial lighting applications.

What to Expect in the Lighting and LED Product Education Center

In our new Lighting and LED Product Education Center, you will learn about specific lighting applications. Along with their energy usage, maintenance costs, and lighting performance. Each interactive page contains a section on common usages, lamps, and mounts for that application. Likewise, you will find common issues surrounding that application as well as a breakdown of costs associated with each lighting application. Further, you will also learn about the cost-saving benefits of retrofitting to LED, suggested next steps in the process, as well as where to find other free resource materials (FREE Downloadable Financial Analysis Tool). We have dedicated pages for:


Action Services Group is a national service provider offering a single point of contact for all your LightingLED RetrofitElectrical, and Signage needs. In short, we believe the key to our success begins with applying a knowledge and team-based approach. In conclusion, the value we place on each customer and the accountability we put on everyone in our organization. For more information on Lighting, LED products, and retrofits for your organization contact Action Services Group by calling 610-558-9773 or email [email protected].



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