Energy Savings
LED lighting has become the industry leader in energy efficiency. It is, hands down, the most efficient type of lighting you can have on residential or commercial properties of all types. In fact, the Department of Energy reports that LEDs use roughly 75% to 80% less energy than traditional incandescent lamps. When compared to halogen-based lamps, LEDs use approximately 65% energy to operate. Saving energy can be calculated so you can predict what the long-term return on investment will be from the LED retrofit.
In addition to that, incandescent and CFL lamps are omni-directional and require reflector plates to re-direct light downwards. This not only diminishes the quality of lighting but also means you waste money on lights you are not able to fully capitalize on. LEDs, for the record, focus light in a single direction so you get the light you pay for.
Furthermore, LED lamps emit very little heat. This is not true for both incandescent and CFL lamps. In fact, both incandescent and CFLs require heat to work. The heat is used to conduct the filaments throughout the glass encasement to make the lamp bright. Which is also the reason why it takes longer for CFL or incandescent to reach their full brightness potential. This also makes the alternative lamps use more energy than LEDs and can cause the room that the lamps are in to get warmer, which can make air conditioning costs rise during warmer seasons.
Add in a lighting control system, and you may be looking at even more energy savings! For more information on lighting controls, their benefits, and commercial strategies, we suggest reading our series on Lighting Control Systems.
Maintenance Savings
The cost savings for LED warehouse lighting does not stop with simple energy efficiency. LED lights do cost more than your average incandescent and CFL lamps. That cannot be denied. However, they last much longer than any other type of lamp on the market today. Depending on the wattage, incandescent can last up to 2,000 hours and a CFL can last between 8,000 and 10,000 hours. LED lamps can have a lifespan between 40,000 and 150,000 depending on how much wattage it has. Alternative lamps will have needed to be changed numerous times before an LED lamp will.
In addition to the standard life of these lamps, LEDs do not require a warmup period to reach full illumination. Other types of lights do; this means you waste a portion of your lights’ lifespan simply warming up and not even being used for the intended reason. Furthermore, LEDs are some of the most durable types of lamps you can invest in. Glass-encased and gas-based lamps, like incandescent and CFL, are more susceptible to damage from drops, shocks, and even minute vibrations. This can lead to increased maintenance costs due to damages.
Depending upon what type of lamp your facility currently operates, you can see different maintenance savings. Our LED vs. Non-LED Lamp series covers the different maintenance savings you can achieve by retrofitting to LED. You can find out more about your savings, Here.
LED lights are renowned for their performance. This includes accolades for flexible configurations, custom lighting control systems, color variations, and brightness. Different spaces require different types of lighting. Because LEDs come in a wide array of colors and brightness levels, this is easily accomplished. From providing the best lighting for computer screen readability and eye safety in your office spaces, to fully illuminating warehouse storage rows – LEDs are able to provide the ideal light for every situation.
When combined with a custom lighting control system, LEDs provide responsive and accurate light as needed, without wasting energy. From motion detection-based lighting to that which adapts to ambient light levels, LEDs can be merged into any smart lighting system to ensure you capitalize on all cost-savings benefits.
Well-planned LED warehouse lighting meets with all types of regulations, including Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements to environmental ones. Slips and falls are the most cited types of accidents when it comes to workers compensation. This is completely preventable, and your lighting is one of the leading ways to stop slip and fall incidents. Investing in an LED retrofit can ensure you minimize the potential for slips and falls, while still saving money on energy and maintenance costs. Extra lighting may be needed in locations where heavy machinery is being operated. When employees are driving forklifts, trucks or other equipment is being handled, its crucial that they are being as safe as possible.LED Retrofits with Action Services Group
LED energy savings for distribution centers capitalizes on the efficiency, durability, and illumination benefits of these lights. If you are interested in retrofitting your distribution center or warehouse, contact the experts at Action Services Group today to learn more about how we can install the perfect LED light system for you! Call 610-558-9773 or email [email protected] or schedule a call.