LED Stadium Lighting Can Help with Cost and the Environment

Oct 5, 2023 | 0 comments |

LED lighting is quickly becoming the preferred solution for businesses looking for ways to reduce energy costs and meet their sustainability goals. While businesses and schools are implementing LED lighting systems, one area is a little behind in adopting energy-efficient technology.

Sports arenas still have some doubts about LEDs for stadiums. To help assuage their concerns here’s a look at LED stadium lighting and how it can help reduce operating costs and benefit the environment.

Common Misconceptions About LED Stadium Lighting

Misconceptions concerning LEDs for stadiums can prevent some arena owners and managers from making the transition. The upfront cost of LEDs is higher than traditional metal halides, however, this is rapidly changing. Not only are prices going down on LED lighting products, but stadiums may also be able to take advantage of rebates and other financial incentives.

Stadium owners are also realizing the long lifespan of LEDs offsets the initial higher purchasing cost.

Another common misconception is how LED lighting appears on TV. Some worry the softer glow associated with LEDs will not translate well on television. However, during televised events, LEDs are as vivid and bright as metal halides.

Stadiums with LEDs often produce a brighter, more vivid picture thanks to the fixtures’ color rendering properties.

Have you read our previous blog, LED Stadium Lighting – What You Need to Know to Retrofit? In this blog we cover retrofit design guidelines, glare, flickering, CCT, CRI, as well as lighting performance and so much more.

Benefits of Using LEDs for Stadiums

While there are multiple benefits of using LEDs for stadiums, some stand out from the rest. Here’s a look at three of the primary benefits.

Reduced Impact on the Environment

  • LEDs are mercury-free which is always beneficial for the environment. Mercury is a hazardous substance that is harmful to humans and the planet.
  • LEDs use less electricity throughout their lifespan without any noticeable heat loss. With LEDs, you get a high lumens output while using less electricity.
  • Since LEDs have a long lifespan, you are reducing the amount of waste that goes into area landfills. Both the bulbs and fixtures last longer than other types of luminaires.

Lower Costs

Transitioning to LED lighting reduces costs in two primary ways. LEDs use less electricity which results in lower energy costs. The long lifespan of LEDs also means you are not replacing the bulbs as often. Not only are you saving on replacement costs but also on maintenance. The bulbs do not require as frequent changing as metal halides.


Reduced Maintenance

LEDs are surprisingly durable and outdoor luminaires are rated for stadium environments. Since the lamps last longer, you are reducing the amount of waste in landfills, and also saving on maintenance costs. The stadium’s maintenance crew can focus on other tasks instead of constantly changing out lightbulbs.

Even LED fixtures are virtually maintenance-free. The fixtures are designed to last for years. This helps reduce maintenance and replacement costs resulting in significant savings.

Learn More About LED Retrofits for Stadiums

Are you ready to make your stadium more energy efficient and reduce its impact on the environment? Contact Action Services Group to learn more about LED retrofits for stadiums. From the initial planning stages to the final installation, we can take care of everything. Call 610-558-9773, email [email protected] or schedule a call to discuss your Turn-Key LED Retrofit options.



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