Lighting the Way to COVID-19 Recovery: The ROI of LED Technology

by | Aug 23, 2021 | 0 comments |

As companies start to reopen, it is important to keep everything up to date and working properly. Sometimes this can be seen as a hassle and the money for these upgrades, especially lighting upgrades, can be intimidating. Reviewing the ROI of these upgrades can be hard if you don’t know what to look for.  
With LED lighting being the way most businesses are going, knowing the energy savings (and rebate options) are important when looking to upgrade. LED technology is often seen as the gateway to energy efficiency. It is easy to install, can save you money in the long run on your energy bill, and there are some new COVID-related rebate options available.  
With these options in place, and most people still working from home for the time being, it is the best time to upgrade your lighting. An LED retrofit is the best option for upgrading your old flickering office lights.  
Click here to read the full article posted on July 27th, 2021 on Denver Post. 


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