2022 Title 24 – What You Need to Know for Lighting Compliance

Apr 26, 2022 | 0 comments |

Title 24 is the common nickname for California’s energy code. The standards have been around for decades, but what does it mean for your lighting system?
According to Section 6 in the California Code of Regulations, Title 24 outlines a broad set of standards buildings in the state are required to meet. These guidelines cover energy conservation, green building design, construction, maintenance, and accessibility. Safety for employees and visitors is also covered in Title 24.
The state updates its energy codes every three years, and the new guidelines go into effect in January 2023. Until then, old and new constructions are still following recommendations from the 2019 Building Efficiency Standards.
So, what does 2022 Title 24 mean for your business, and do you need to meet the new standards? We’ll take a look at Title 24 for 2022 and break down everything you need to know to meet lighting compliance regulations. We’ll also explain why businesses not located in the state still want to stay current with the latest changes.

For those not in California, that want to review changes to the energy codes that will affect them, check out or last blog, Updates to Energy Codes for 2022 – Impact on Lighting Explained. Some of the states covered in this blog included: California, Georgia, Idaho, Maine, Pennsylvania, and more!

Does 2022 Title 24 Affect My Commercial Building Project?

Every time you file a building permit, Title 24 comes into play. It means your plans need reviewing or the building inspected to ensure lighting compliance.
Lighting retrofits typically fall under 2022 Title 24. Your completed project should include converting at least 10% of your lighting fixtures to energy-efficient products. If you are repairing existing lighting, Title 24 is rarely enacted.
So, how do you ensure your building will pass inspection? Here are the main areas you want to work on.

Wattage and Lighting Controls

The primary goal of Title 24 is to reduce energy usage across the state. Most of these standards apply to lighting. To meet these goals, most commercial buildings must use lighting controls to reduce wattage and lower energy usage.


If you aren’t familiar with daylighting, it refers to the use of natural light to reduce energy usage. Under 2022 Title 24, buildings with side and skylit zones must have lighting controls in place. These controls automatically adjust the power going into the lighting fixture, depending on the time of day. You use less power during the brightest part of the day, reducing your dependence on the energy grid.

Demand Response Controls

Demand response controls are only a requirement in buildings over 10,000 sq ft. These controls are capable of reducing your lighting load by up to 15% after receiving a signal from your utility company.

LPD Requirements

LPD stands for Lighting power density, and it makes up a large portion of Title 24 2022. It is described in the standards as,
“The total rated wattage of lighting fixtures used in a building or space per square foot.”
In simpler terms, it is the specific wattage allowed in specific spaces throughout the commercial building. Title 24 also lays out three ways you can meet LPD standards. They are prescriptive, performance, and tailored.
The easiest, and often most cost-effective way of meeting LPD requirements is by using the prescriptive method. You get a baseline wattage requirement for the space, allowing you to choose the best fixture for your needs.
An LED retrofit kit usually reduces wattage to meet Title 24 compliance goals. It also allows you to easily take advantage of others energy reduction methods, like installing lighting controls.

There are significant savings associated with transitioning to LEDs. In our eBook, The Essential Guide to Calculating Energy Savings and ROI on any Lighting Project, you can calculate your energy savings before you even start your LED retrofit. All calculations and directions are included!

Room Sensors

California’s 2022 Energy Codes call for the installation of either vacancy or occupancy sensors in commercial buildings. The sensors must be automatic, turning the lights on or off when the room is occupied or vacant.

Outdoor Lighting Control Requirements

Outdoor lighting can also fall under Title 24 guidance. The standards include requiring external lights have controls capable of reducing the power by 50% part of the time they are in use. Automatic shutoff controls are another requirement.

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Does Your Commercial Building Fall Under Title 24 2022 Guidance?

Whether you are planning a new construction or are updating a current building, Title 24 may apply to your project.
Action Services Group has lighting specialist that can help ensure you meet all lighting compliance requirements. Contact us today by calling 610-558-9773, emailing [email protected], or schedule a call that fits your needs by clicking the button below.



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