Countries Find Solutions for Global Energy Crisis

Jul 19, 2022 | 0 comments |

Australia is in the face of a massive energy crisis. Their country’s solution; shut off all the lights for two hours a night. The energy minister is pushing for citizens of South Wales to turn off their lights to conserve the energy due to the crisis. South Wales region of Australia is where Australia’s largest city, Sydney, is located. South Wales is home to approximately eight million people. The root of their energy crisis is the disruption of their coal supply from flooding in the coal plants that caused technical difficulties. The leaders of Australia are making efforts to avoid having blackouts.

Due to the crisis, energy costs in the country have been skyrocketing and households are looking for new ways to conserve their energy and save money. Australia is not the only place suffering from an energy crisis. California was also enduring energy shortages due to the conversion over to renewable energy. A main way for people to conserve energy and save money is switching to LED lighting.

LED lighting is becoming the new standard of lighting for commercial facilities and residential homes for the ways they can mitigate energy crisis. Switching to LEDs from alternative lighting lamps can make big changes for energy usage and your electric bill. LED retrofits can be used for interior and exterior lighting with the ability to provide the best solution to any lighting challenge and adapt to a variety of environments. LED solutions are decided based on energy savings, lighting performance and maintenance needs. Click here to read the full article, originally published June 16, 2022 by BBC.



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