If I Upgrade to LED, Can I Use Fewer Fixtures?

Dec 18, 2020 | 0 comments |

If your business still uses fluorescent, incandescent, or even high-intensity discharge (HID) lighting, you may be wasting thousands of dollars each year. A light-emitting diode (LED) upgrade can not only save you money when it comes to energy consumption, it can also lead to a reduced number of fixtures required to illuminate an area.  
Below, the experts with Action Services Group dive into how an LED upgrade could help you save money and potential reduce the number of fixtures you need.   

LED Lighting is Different 

One of the fundamental design differences with LED lighting resides in the directional properties of the fixture.  
With traditional lamps, including fluorescent, incandescent, and HID, light is emitted in all directions. When this comes to a table lamp, this 360-degree illumination is a great thing to have. However, when it comes to commercial or overhead use, this is a waste of energy. In fact, to help redirect the light, reflector plates are used to ensure the multi-directional light is re-focused where you want it. Not only does this dimmish the strength of the light, but it can also create extra heat, which may, in turn, drive up energy consumption as it related to air conditioning.  
LED lighting, however, provides focused light in a single direction. For advanced optics and better clarity, this allows lighting engineers more flexibility.  

Didn’t know an LED retrofits offer not only energy savings but HVAC savings as well? In our latest series Calculating LED Savings, we dedicate a whole blog to providing step-by-step calculations to figuring out your HVAC savings from an LED retrofit. Get your calculator ready and start reading Calculating Your HVAC Savings in an LED Retrofit today 

How LED Fixtures Changed the Game 

LED fixtures are efficient. Not only do they waste less light, but they also waste less energy. Think of a flashlight. When focused ahead of you, the flashlight provides ample illumination and allows you to clearly see the path as it lies in front of you. Compare this to a lantern, which provides illumination all around. Not only is the strength of the light weaker in a single direction, but it also provides less than ideal illumination. You would have to attach a reflector plate to refocus all that energy and hope it extends the amount of visible area in front of you as you walk.  
One could also think about painting a porcelain figurine, filled with fine details. You could opt for a paint roller. It holds ample paint and could cover the entire figurine with just a few strokes. However, using various sized and angled brushes allow for a more even, detailed finish and, likely, a less wasteful experience. The paint roller would not only obscure details, but it would also apply too much paint in areas, resulting in runoff, drips, uneven applications, and wasted paint. More control and less waste, as provided by the brushes, offer a more ideal finished product.  

To learn more about how an LED differs from conventional lighting, try reviewing our LED Education Center. It provides an in-depth look at how LEDs work, their savings, key LED project strategies, and so much more!  

The Savings Add Up with an LED Upgrade 

There are plenty of ways an LED upgrade can benefit you. Of these benefits, the most commonly cited are the savings as they related to reduced energy consumption, material costs, and maintenance practices.  

  1. Reduced Energy Consumption

Because LED fixtures require less power to provide the same, if not better lighting, an overall reduction in energy consumption is one of the most immediate savings when you upgrade. As the most energy-efficient type of lighting on the market today, an LED upgrade will significantly reduce power bills almost immediately. (It also helps that some states offer incentives for those who reduce their energy consumption.) 
2. Cut Down on Material Costs 
Because LED fixtures distribute light differently and more efficiently than traditional lighting, you may be able to reduce the number of fixtures required to illuminate an area.  
For example, older parking garages may still use traditional fluorescent lighting to illuminate each level, as well as emergency egresses, stairs, and elevators. Depending on the design of your parking deck, installing LED lighting may reduce fixtures by hundreds while providing improved visibility. (Not to mention reducing your power consumption as well!) 

Do you have a parking garage in need of an LED retrofit? Want to learn more about parking garage lighting specifically? Our Lighting and LED Product Education Center has a whole section dedicated to Parking Garage Lighting, which includes common issues you are probably facing, benefits of an LED retrofit, suggested next steps, and more!  

3. Decrease in Maintenance Expenses 
LED lighting is not only more energy efficient; it is also more durable. Able to withstand shocks and vibrations that other types of lamps cannot LED lighting is likely to last much longer than traditional lights. The longer life of an LED means less maintenance all around. A longer life means fewer replacement costs. (Not to mention, if you are able to eliminate fixtures via an LED upgrade. There are even fewer lamps to replace once they do eventually burn out.) 


Choosing the Right LED Fixtures 

Choosing the right fixture for your business can be difficult. After all, LED lighting also offers more options than other types of lamps. From colors, sizes, and intensities, you may find choosing the right LED fixture slightly overwhelming – and that is ok. To help, start with the below steps: 

  1. Choose from a reputable lighting solutions provider or lighting company that offers experienced electricians who specialize in LED installations.  
  2. Ask to see the specs and testing of a particular fixture.  
  3. Request a payback analysis to ensure you maximize efficiency.  
  4. Carefully review any warranty details. A reputable manufacturer will guarantee their product! 

LED Lighting with Action Services Group 

Action Services Group has years of experience installing and working with hundreds of different LED products. Not only can we help determine the best lighting for you, but our experts can potentially help reduce the number of fixtures your LED upgrade will require.  
Contact Action Services Group today to learn more about how an LED upgrade can benefit you. Call 610-558-9773, email [email protected] or schedule a call.



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