At Action Services Group, a common conversation we have with clients is how to start adding lighting controls to their fixtures. When we recommend a lighting control strategy, we want to ensure it meets the facility’s security and wireless requirements, while also delivering savings, functionality, and meeting the company’s ROI (return on investments) requirements.

Common Lighting Strategy Goals

Even though all of our clients are unique, the lighting control strategy goals are often similar. Here’s a look at some of the common goals.

Reduce Operational Costs

A lighting control strategy commonly addresses operational savings. Businesses are always looking for ways to reduce costs. LED lighting fixtures and lighting controls conserve energy resulting in savings.

Installing occupancy or motion sensors in warehouses and other types of large facilities is one way to meet your goals. The sensors automatically turn the lights on when the space is occupied and off when it is empty. Reducing how long the lights are on is an effective way to save on monthly utility bills.

Better Manage Assets

Technology is advancing across all industries, including LED lighting. Lighting systems can do more than illuminate a space, the fixtures can also track products and equipment. Some lighting technology can also test and monitor building systems. For example, advanced LED lighting technology or next gen LED can perform routine testing of emergency systems. It can also monitor lighting fixtures, alerting staff when a bulb goes out or another maintenance issue arises.

Help Meet Sustainability Goals

Sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint is a priority for the majority of businesses. Companies are setting sustainability goals and LED lighting solutions are helping organizations meet their benchmarks. Along with reducing energy usage, some lighting controls also report electrical consumption. It provides businesses with guidelines and support to help reduce electrical usage and can present opportunities to advance their renewable energy projects.

Provides Flexible Lighting Solutions

It’s not uncommon for businesses to reconfigure their spaces. Customizable light controls provide flexibility, allowing for easy changes. An example is using programmable lighting fixtures. The fixtures can be customized and reconfigured to meet specific task requirements. The fixtures also easily adapt to the changing layouts and usage in the space.

Did you know that lighting controls while reducing expenses can also increase security? After your done reading this blog, check out, Reduce expenses and Increase Security with Commercial Lighting Controls.

Future Proofing and Data Generation

The lighting improvements you make today can be expanded to meet future needs. It’s a priority in some companies’ lighting control strategies. These forward-thinking businesses are positioned to receive data pertaining to their current lighting system’s performance, including the fixture’s positioning. Advanced lighting technology can connect to employees’ and customers’ smartphones and offer wayfinding support. It can be especially beneficial in larger facilities where it can be easy for those not familiar with the building’s layout to become confused.

Along with preparing for future lighting advancements, forward-thinking companies are committed to improving efficiency and the effectiveness of their lighting solutions. Installing sensors that provide data on how a space is used allows building managers to make any necessary changes. They can adjust lighting schedules to fit occupancy schedules reducing overall energy usage costs.

Lighting Control Solutions with Action Services Group

If you have questions about your lighting control strategy or are ready to implement a solution, contact Action Services Group to find out how we can help you meet your goals. Call 610-558-9773, emailing [email protected], or schedule a call that fits your needs by clicking the button below.


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