Philadelphia Begins Replacing Street Lights in High Crime Areas

Aug 18, 2023 | 0 comments |

Philadelphia is enacting a new plan to help deter crime meanwhile conserve energy usage. Over the next few years, they will be replacing all of the streetlights in the high crime neighborhoods of the city with LED lights. Officials estimate that they will reduce Philadelphia’s carbon footprint by 10%, making it the largest energy conservation project taken so far. The project had begun planning in 2016 and it will reach completion over the next two years to replace all 130,000 streetlights. This project is being financed through the Philadelphia energy Authority with a $90 million bond.

Many cities and municipalities are taking action to help lower their neighborhoods’ carbon footprints and encourage energy conservation amongst its residents. The new streetlights also improve safety for people walking through the neighborhoods. The city council is going to replace the streetlights in areas that have a higher proportion of crime at nighttime than other locations. Instances of the crimes committed include acts of violence or traffic and pedestrian accidents.

The LEDs will help make the streets safer because of their enhanced lighting performance compared to alternative lights, like incandescent. LED lamps will also help Philadelphia gain financial benefits. Since LEDs help conserve energy, it will save money on utility bills as well. Plus, LEDs are longer lasting than any other lighting option on the market, so less maintenance and replacements will need to be made on the streetlights once they are installed.

Click here to read the full article, originally published August 8, 2023, by The Philadelphia Inquirer.



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