Lighting Upgrades for Schools and Universities

May 11, 2022 | 0 comments |

Students spend most of their time indoors, making proper lighting a priority but electricity costs are often expensive. According to The National Energy Development Project, around 17% of the electricity used by schools is for lighting. But what if you could reduce your energy usage?
Lighting retrofits for schools can make a difference in electrical usage, but there are a few points to consider.

Consider Your Lighting Upgrade Goals

Schools and universities have various reasons for starting an LED refit. Some are working to improve the classroom environment. Other schools are working towards LEED certification or want to reduce energy usage.
The goal of your lighting retrofit for schools should be included in the planning phase.
Lighting upgrades for schools and universities are expensive. If your primary goal is reducing electricity costs, you don’t have to replace all of the lighting to benefit from some energy savings.

Start the Lighting Retrofit in High-Burn Areas

The best way for your LED retrofit to start paying off is by starting in high-burn areas. These are the public places that students, faculty, and visitors frequently visit on school grounds. A few examples include,

  • Cafeteria and other common spaces: School cafeterias open early and close late. It’s the same with other public gathering places on campus and in dorms. The lights are rarely turned off in some of these spaces, leading to high maintenance and energy costs.
  • Gymnasiums, auditoriums, and other activity centers: HIDs are common in gyms and auditoriums. The bulbs provide adequate light but take several seconds to warm up, wasting energy. Upgrading to LED lighting can resolve these and other issues.
  • Exterior lighting: Schools and universities take pride in their safe campuses. Keeping all exterior spaces well-lit is costly in terms of maintenance and electricity. An LED retrofit ensures all exterior areas are brightly illuminated while also reducing energy costs.

Exterior lighting retrofits can often bring the biggest return on investment as well as increase safety. We have a few blogs to help you on your way. In, The Financial Benefits of Converting Parking Lot Lighting to LED, we walk you through your savings as well as supply a free downloadable ROI analysis tool. Then check out this video of a Before and After Exterior Lighting Retrofit.

Use Lighting Controls in Your Lighting Retrofits for Schools

Installing lighting controls is an effective way to increase your energy savings. Schools and universities can use sensors in classrooms that automatically turn the lights off when the space is unoccupied.
You can choose between simple sensors that work with the fixtures in a specific space. Larger schools and universities may want to invest in a lighting control panel.


Check for Rebates

Some schools and universities may qualify for LED retrofit rebates that can cover up to 90% of the lighting upgrade. The number and amount of rebates a campus qualify for depends on several factors, including its location.
A good tip is to start with your energy provider. Most electric companies are offering rebates for LED retrofits.

Another Reason to Invest in a LED Retrofit for Schools

Another surprising reason lighting upgrades for schools and universities are recommended is for students’ comfort. A study by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy found that students performed better in classrooms with tunable LED lights.
Ready to learn more about lighting retrofits for schools? Contact us today and start planning your next lighting project, by calling 610-558-9773, emailing [email protected], or schedule a call that fits your needs by clicking the button below.



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