Facility managers and building owners are implementing new technology to assist in building management. Installing networked lighting controls is a successful way to control the lighting and systems of a building from one central location via Bluetooth or Internet of Things (IoT). Networked lighting controls have been shown to improve maintenance costs due to the monitoring capability available with some control systems. Facility managers can receive email, text or other alerts stating when there is a repair or replacement needed and where. When combining LEDs and networked lighting controls, facilities can save money due to LEDs being a longer lasting lighting product. When lighting controls are installed, they can collect data that will help the spaces be utilized more. If an office or a store has motion sensors, then those sensors will track how often a room is being used, that data can be then reported to building managers to optimize their space wisely.
Lighting controls can make the environment of the spaces better for its occupants. Managers will have the ability to customize and adjust the lighting conditions in a room or zone, such as the brightness and color output. Providing better lighting quality will improve the conditions and health of occupants. For employees, it can help boost productivity. For commercial spaces like restaurants or retail stores, adjusting the lighting intensity and color can improve the aesthetic and experience of customers.
Specific controls can help facilities improve their sustainability strategies and lower their energy bills. Controls such as daylighting, occupancy sensors and timers will lower or shut lights off when the rooms aren’t occupied. This gives building owners better control over how much lighting is being used throughout the day and cuts back on wasting energy.
Click here to read the full article, originally published by Facilities Net.