New Solar Panel Design Resembles Roman Architecture

Jan 19, 2023 | 0 comments |

A new style of solar panels is being used in some popular historical sites in some parts of the world. Instead of big square tiles attached to a roof, these solar panels are being disguised as terracotta tiles and ancient Roman tiles. These new solar panel designs are being used in Pompeii, Italy and Evora, Portugal. These two cities hold a lot of historical, archaeological, and architectural pride for their countries. Pompeii is an ancient town in Italy that was the site of a volcanic eruption and Evora is the capital of Portugal’s southern region that homes a famous Roman temple. The purpose of the new design of solar panels was to further their cities sustainability efforts while maintaining their history and cultural heritage.

The solar panels were designed by a European company and completed with a new technology, Tegosolar. The solar panels are integrated with photovoltaic (PV) tiles. From there they can be colored to match the structure they are being installed on.

“We can also give it the look of stone, wood, concrete, and brick. As a result, such a solution can be installed not only on roofs but also on walls and floors,” says Elisabeth Quagilato, who works for Tegosolar Canadese with her family.

Her father was the one who brainstormed the new solar panels.
Solar panels are being integrated into homes and facilities more to help improve sustainability efforts and decrease the impact of climate change. Businesses are using solar panels as a means of improving corporate social responsibility and prove that they have a dedication to sustainable efforts.

Click here to read the full article, originally published December 29, 2022 by Tech Explore.



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