What to Look For In An Electrical Maintenance Service Company

Jul 17, 2017 | 0 comments |

When thinking about taking on an electrical maintenance service company for your organization, one key element is finding a single source company that has the resources to handle the many aspects of the services. The question becomes what should you be looking for when evaluating a potential electrical maintenance service company partner? Below we’ll look at the attributes that a competent and efficient electrical maintenance service company will have.

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What to Look for in an Electrical Maintenance Service Company


Project Implementation & Completion

Large organizations that have facilities dispersed around the country often have needs for large scale electrical maintenance service company. Like changing out outlets for 400 stores to accommodate a specific fixture need across the country. So, the question becomes what criteria should you be evaluating when it comes to hiring an outsourced electrical maintenance service company to complete this work? Below are some elements to consider:

  1. Bandwidth Constraints – Does the electrical maintenance service company have the bandwidth to take on your project or are they task-saturated with completing existing projects and work orders that are in the pipeline?
  2. Capabilities – Additionally, when thinking of using an outsourced electrical maintenance service provider to complete the work, you must think of the capabilities and skill set of that vendor. Do they have the necessary skills, certifications, and know-how to complete the electrical service project? Many times the project needs a master electrician to complete the work, does your vendor have this type of person on staff?
  3. Equipment – Does the vendor have the equipment and resources to complete an electrical service project? There are a number of specialized requirements, and trucks necessary to complete a project like this at scale. Do they have bucket trucks to do a large scale exterior lighting project? Does the vendor have these types of assets?
  4. Timeline – The electrical maintenance service company will most likely have to balance the new electrical service project with the existing demands of the ongoing projects or service that they have. The “competition of priorities”, or existing workload, can often delay the project’s completion date. This can become a real challenge if you are looking to complete the project by a certain deadline.

While not exhaustive, these are some of the high-level items to think through when trying to hire a firm to manage a large scale electrical service project.


Outsourcing To The Right Electrical Maintenance Service Company

The above-mentioned issues can be alleviated by outsourcing this work to the right national electrical maintenance service company. These organizations have the business model of resources, personnel, coverage, equipment resources, and bandwidth to take on a large scale electrical service project as well as managing the daily on-demand requirements. In addition to the resources necessary, do they have the ability to scale up quickly, ensuring that your deadlines are hit. An electrical maintenance service provider should have the resources and capability to not only handle your on-demand work but the capability to project manage large scale projects. Please reach out to Action Services Group to learn more about how we can help your organization with a large scale electrical service project. To talk to one of our Electrical Service professionals about making Action Services Group your electrical service provider call us at 610-558-9773, email [email protected], or you can schedule a call that fits your needs by clicking the button below.



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