The Hidden Costs of Deferring Maintenance

The Hidden Costs of Deferring Maintenance

Did you know for every dollar saved by deferring your maintenance, there is a four-dollar increase in future capital renewal costs? Billions of dollars in maintenance repairs to facility assets are deferred every year. Most of these cited deferment reasons are for...
What is Dematerialized Lighting?

What is Dematerialized Lighting?

Designer Hartmut Engel assisted in the design process for the “Dematerialized lighting” in which the goal was to create light emanating from an invisible “cloud” in the room. It allows those who enjoy the more minimalistic look to have a lighting structure...
Energy Resilience in the Wake of Ida

Energy Resilience in the Wake of Ida

The destruction and despair left in the wake of Ida has left its mark. From its start in Louisiana to its path up the East Coast, each city is handling the devastation differently. Ida made landfall Aug. 29 as a Category 4 hurricane and is responsible for at least 15...